Stop flying solo.
Your business dreams are waiting.

Fast-Track Woman PREMIER™ is a 6-month private mentorship program that helps you create a profitable first-class business strategy, smooth out the bumpy ride, and finally have more time, confidence, and freedom. 

The PREMIER program gives you a private business coach (Terra), a done for you 5-Year Plan, a done-for-you Business Map™, and a community of like-minded women business owners that are all accelerating their success, too.

Not only does PREMIER includes PRIVATE COACHING, but you also get weekly ACCOUNTABILITY, business strategy and mindset BREAKTHOUGHS, and done-for-you TOOLS and TEMPLATES. 

Everything you need to be fully supported in your business and set up for (mega) success.

The best part is you’ll finally stop trading time for money and have a clear, customized strategy to scale your business in a way that honors your work & worth.

Before you go any further, let me be clear.

The Fast-Track Woman PREMIER is FOR a woman business owner who:

Believes that there are no quick fixes or magic bullets, and knows that having the right advisor and a community to hold you accountable are the keys to success.

Wants a private Business Coach and done-for-you services such as your own 5-Year Plan and your customized Business Map™. 

Wants a clear path to more clarity, more confidence, and feels ready to take full control of your future.

Craves an amazing community of supportive and passionate entrepreneurs to lean on for advice and cheer you along your journey.

Is ready to take (imperfect) action and baby-step through fears and doubts to live the life of your dream.

The Fast-Track Woman PREMIER is NOT for a woman business owner who:

Does not have a business concept in mind. This program is designed for women who are running a business that they want to scale up and step up further as a leader (while not burning out).

Is looking for a community to "sell" and promote her own products and services.

Is not open to new possibilities or already have everything figured out.

Will not invest time to work on your business or show up for yourself.

Expects a full-time consultant to work "in" your business for you. Think of Terra and her team as an extension of your own Advisory Board.

Is not willing to show up with true authenticity and vulnerability to get the help you need.

Greetings from the Cockpit.

I’m Terra Bohlmann and I help women business owners stop “winging it” and board the fast-track to success. 

I’m a former corporate consultant for billion-dollar brands turned coach for smart and passionate women business owners. To date, I’ve helped hundreds of women create their high-flying dream businesses, build their Business Maps™, and I’d love to help you do the same. 

When I’m not helping business owners soar, you can find me traveling to random destinations, desperately tracking down Chanel brooches, or sipping Starbucks Mochas (and then trying to give them up… and hitting the drive-thru for jussssst one more…)

Cindy increased the price of her signature offer from $8,000 to $24,000 without losing sales.

"I had an agency model and was undercharging and almost never paid myself. I looked like I was killing it, but I was scraping by. I was proud of the work but knew something was missing. 

Terra made me respect myself and helped me make my business be professional instead of amateur. I increased the price of my signature offer from $8k to $16k to now $24k, and it’s still selling at the same rate. 

Now, I love my business and feel like a total badass that carries my weight in our family’s finances. My husband is proud of me. An unexpected result from working with Terra is that I made an amazing friend I deeply cherish.

I knew I needed a business map because I was always winging it, and Terra helped me put systems in place that make it easier to market myself and not chase shiny objects.

Having my processes laid out and knowing my offers so I don’t create invoice from scratch us mind-blowing. Terra is amazing. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, she can lay out a plan to get you there."


The Expert’s Ghostwriter 

What's Included?


★ New Client On-Boarding Session
★ 12 x Private Coaching Sessions

★ Done-For-You 5-Year Plan

★ Done-For-You Business Map™

★ Weekly Accountability to Keep You on Track to Hit Your Goals

★ “Coach-on-Call” Voxer App Access to Ask Anything (up to 30 minutes a month) 

★ “SOS" Quick Coaching Calls (as needed) 


★ Group Coaching Sessions (1 x a month)

★ Live (but, yes...recorded) Master Class Training with Workbooks (1 x a month)

★ Fun Challenges That Get You Results

★ Monthly Mindset Fuel-Ups

★ Exclusive Facebook Group for Community Connections + Fun

★ Private Membership Site Access


★ Set Up Your Business Basics + Operations

★ Make Decisions Simple by Putting Your Core Values to Work in Your Business

★ Create Your Million Dollar Brand (No Matter Your Budget)

★ How to Feel Good and Give Back Using Your Business

★ Develop the Framework that Makes You Famous

★ Design the Perfect Customers that You Love to Serve

★ Create and Price Your Signature Offers that Sell

★ Build Your Sales Process That Feels Good + Converts

★ The Art of the Sales Conversations

★ Leverage Your Visibility Strategy through Your Marketing + Exposure Systems

★ Design A Custom Experience that “Wows” with Your On-Boarding, Deliver, and Transition Processes

★ Build Your Dream Team to Save You Time, Money, and Stress


 Tool: 5-Year Planning Workbook

★ Resource: All Business Strategy Training Slides

★ Resource: Professional Bio Examples

★ Resource: How to Write Your Vision Statement with Examples

★ Tool: Unbiased Feedback on Your Head Shot

★ Template: Pick Your Core Values Cheat Sheet

★ Tool: Find a Non-Profit to Partner With for Giving Back

★ Resource: Little Black Book of Branding to Create Your Brand Visuals and Assets

★ Template: Perfect Customer Profile

★ Template: Signature Offer Overview Template (Sales Aid)

★ Tool: Money and Sales Tracker

★ Template: Done-for-You Sales Email Scripts

★ Resource: Money Mindset Recommendations

★ Tool: 6 Fill-in-the-Blank Business Strategy Workbooks

★ Template: Your Business Map™ to Copy/Paste, Edit, and Save


★ Bonus #1: Be an Expert Guest on “The Fast-Track Woman Podcast” - value $1500+ 
You’ll be interviewed by Terra and featured on a solo episode of her podcast, the Fast-Track Woman. You'll also get a podcast episode web page on to help your SEO rankings

★ Bonus #2: Fast-Track Mindset Breakthrough - value $2500
Get a private 1-hour breakthrough session to eliminate a core belief so you can fast-track your business success with Terra Bohlmann, certified Quantum Time Technique + Hypnosis Practitioner

Happy Passengers.

Patsy went from struggling with two separate identities in her business to a clear, cohesive platform that attracts her perfect clients. 

"I made a conscious decision to work with Terra to help me bring my Graphic Design and Feng Shui services into one cohesive platform. This was no easy feat. Not only did I have to get comfortable with the notion of hiring someone to guide me through uncharted territory but also having to really trust her. That was a huge undertaking. I came to Terra because I was struggling to have to manage two separate identities for my businesses. I felt torn and unmotivated. It was a lot of work. Terra made the whole process much easier than anticipated.

When Terra presented my Business Map™, I was amazed. She made sense of my intentions, my words and brought clarity to my new vision. She understood me. Terra has created a solid and practical business method that I can surely put into practice. It communicates integrity, it’s authentic and totally doable for a creative person like me.

Working with Terra has been one of the best decisions I have ever made as a businesswoman. She offers a wealth of knowledge, is a wonderful listener, and dedicated to her craft." 


Founder+ Creative Director


CEO + Visibility Strategist 

Samantha went from overwhelmed + trading dollars for hours to feeling peace of mind because she now runs her business with systems that scale. 

"Oh. My. Clarity. Terra's the perfect blend of mentor, confidant, and guide. I recommend working with Terra if you want more clarify in your business, but times 10. I now am clear on my offers, how I'll scale my business, and take action on my do-able 5-year plan. 

My business was entirely service-based where I was trading hours for dollars. I was so deep into my business, that I wasn't able to work ON my business. I was running a million miles per hour in one direction and not knowing what direction because I was running blindly!

I was proud of the business I built by chance, but felt like it had an expiration date. In addition to feeling like my "luck" would run out, I was also constantly EXHAUSTED having to do EVERYTHING for the business and not seeing an end in sight.

The most important and biggest result that came from working with Terra was PEACE OF MIND. She worked with me to honor the work I had done, clarify what needed to be done and, more importantly, what needed to be done next, and where I could be in 5 years... and further!

Being a creative and having my mind not always working linear, I am aware that I need a plan. It doesn't need to be overly strict, but it needs to have benchmarks and guidelines. Working with Terra, she helped create a plan for my business for the present, the immediate future, and for the next five years. She's able to explain things to me in terms that I can understand. She's consistently challenges me to overcome my limiting beliefs and take the next steps --because she KNOWS what the next steps are and that I am fully capable of it." 

Jilliane, an ex-corporate employee, went from spinning in circles with no clarity to embracing herself again and doubling her revenue. 

"Before working with Terra I lacked clarity and direction. I did not have enough revenue for my business to self-sustain and it felt like I was spinning in circles. 

Since working with Terra I clarified my focus which empowered me to acquire the right clients and ultimately, double my revenue. When Terra says fast-track, she means it. Now, I feel optimistic and clear. I feel eager and at ease. I feel excited and energized.

The biggest surprise I found in working with Terra was the fact that I could embrace myself again. Working in corporate for so long left me in a state of self-suppression. Terra helped me lose the last dregs of corporate culture that were dragging me down. As soon as I was able to fully embrace and feel empowered by ME (my full personality, my goals, all the colorful versions of me), I was able to get clarity on my business and start attracting the right clients. The best part about Terra: she really supports you in achieving this. Terra goes the extra mile to offer you the very individualized support you need to achieve your individualized goals. She invests a lot in you and helping you achieve your goals.

Terra is a fearless leader committed to your success. She supports you from a very holistic place - offering techniques, tools, knowledge and strategies AS WELL AS kindness, patience, friendship and generosity. You will walk away from Terra's programs with more than just knowledge and tools, but with relationships and personal growth."


CEO + Story Coach


CEO + Social Media Strategist 

Within 6 months of working with Terra, Jennifer's sales revenue increased 600%!

"Before working with Terra, my business had no structure. I was a freelancer with a mile-long list of things I could do but no real focus on how to market myself.  

After working with Terra, I went from $500 months to $3K months - and that was just 6 months after working together! I have more clarity, connections and increased confidence. I consider myself a creative so when Terra introduced systems to me, I was apprehensive. Business structure doesn't come natural to a creative, but now I feel that having those systems in place keeps my business moving forward and growing. Terra is the queen of systems and will guide you in building a business you will be proud of."

Judy went from lack of clarity in start-up mode to a clear plan for success & growth. 

Before working with Terra, I was in pure start-up mode without a clear plan. Now I feel good with a clear growth plan and have been able to avoid simple mistakes through Terra’s ongoing coaching and her Business Map Method™. Terra is very responsive and truly cares about your success, in and out of your business. And I love that she connects people!


CEO + College Admissions Coach 

How The Fast-Track Woman PREMIER Works.

PREMIER is a 3-part journey that leads you step-by-step to your ultimate business success.

Now Boarding.

- 2 Quick Intake Forms.

- 1:1 On-Boarding Session.

- Your 5-Year Plan.

- Access to Training Portal.

- Book Your 1st Private Session.

Take Flight. 

- We work on your Business Map™.

- Business Map™ Presentation.

- Continued Private Coaching.

- Implement Your Business Map™.

- Business + Mindset Training.

- Weekly Accountability.

- Coaching-on-Demand.

Cruising Altitude.

- 1:1 Coaching.
- Community.

- Connections.
- Additional Support.

- 1:1 Celebration Session.

"If you're looking to scale without the stress, Terra Bohlmann can help! Bye bye shiny object syndrome -- Terra will help you stay focused on what matters most. 

With her Business Map Method™, you'll create an inspiring five-year plan to ensure you're building a business and life that brings you true joy!"

- Selena Soo, Creator of Impacting Millions

What's the Investment?

  • 6 x 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Terra + Voxer Access
  • Done-For-You Business Map™
  • VIP Access in the Fast-Track Woman ACCELERATOR
  • 6-Months Enrollment 
  • Access to All Training, Tools, + Community
  • Expert Guest on The Fast-Track Woman Podcast 
  • Fast-Track Breakthrough Session
  • Monthly Payments = $5,970 USD

$995/ Month x 6 Payments

  • 6 x 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Terra + Voxer Access
  • Done-For-You Business Map™
  • VIP Access in the Fast-Track Woman ACCELERATOR
  • 6-Months Enrollment
  • Access to All Training, Tools, + Community
  • Expert Guest on The Fast-Track Woman Podcast
  • Fast-Track Breakthrough Session
  • Pay-In-Full and Save $670 USD

$5,300 / Single Pay


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected. I get it, investing in yourself can feel uncomfortable right now. You may feel nervous and excited (which is good!) Nervous because you know you'll be stretched to level up + excited because you are ready to do the work.

On a personal note, I've heard the horror stories from women who pay 3x the investment of this program and didn't have a great experience.

That's why I do this guarantee. If you don't get clarity after completing the done-for-you Business Map™ part of the program within 30 days after you enroll, just let me know and I'll send you a prompt refund.

Frequently Asked Questions.

"Do I get 1:1 Access to You, Terra?"

"What Results Can I Expect from PREMIER?"

"How Much Time With This Take?"

"Is PREMIER a Mastermind?"

"How is the Coaching + Training Delivered?"

"How Do I Know if I'm Ready for PREMIER?"