No Matter Where You are In Your Coaching Business Journey...
Here are Some perfect destinations for you.

Referral Revolution with Terra Bohlmann

The Easiest + Most Affordable Way for Coaches to Get 10 New Clients in Just 30 Days.

The Referral Revolution is an exclusive mini-course designed specifically for high-achieving Coaches who are ready to serve more clients (faster).

In less than 2 hours, you'll learn a 
step-by-step strategy to have clients REACH OUT TO WORK WITH YOU, so you can say goodbye to endlessly searching for new clients and (finally) get back to what you love...COACHING.


You know how to coach, but building your coaching business feels overwhelming. The CBA puts you on the fast-track to more clarity, confidence, and profits. This program was built for you to get RESULTS in your coaching business using proven business strategies and simple systems available to you through my Build FAST Framework™. The CBA was created for Coaches who are ready to go from Unknown Expert to the Go-To-Coach in your niche

TAKE-OFF Private Business Coaching with Terra Bohlmann

FAST-TRACK YOUR COACHING BUSINESS success with a 90-day (private) business coaching experience with Terra Bohlmann, designed to propel you to new heights!

In TAKE-OFF, you'll embark on a transformative journey tailored to your unique Coaching Business where I'll help you master your 7-figure business model.

Guided by expert strategies and personalized support, you'll navigate the runway of growing your business and accelerate your desired destination of success. 

I'll take you from inspiration to profitable action within 90-days. Fasten your seatbelt; your coaching business is about to get major altitude!

Stuck On which is the best journey for you?
That's okay...I've got you covered.

Let's have a real conversation about your next best step.

Oh...and this is why I do what I do...

When I reached out to Terra, I was not clear what I needed, but I knew I needed help. If I wasn't drowning in my client work, I was drowning in the needs to manage my business. After 3 years of running a profitable, growing business I realized that I was running at a pace that was impossible to sustain. I was constantly conflicted and unsure where to put my attention because everything was "HOT".

After working with Terra, I no longer hand to reinvent the wheel. Our processes and procedures were clearly documented. So much time has been saved because the answers to 95% of the questions are documented (and time is money.)

Amy Boyter

CEO + Chief Creative Officer

My experience with Terra has been nothing short of amazing. Confidence and clarity have been my primary struggle through my entrepreneurial journey; however, through the strategic guidance, accountability, and most importantly, Terra's struggles have been drastically minimized. 

As a finance major and MBA, I created a beautiful business plan, but when navigating the real world of entrepreneurship, those plans are worthless.  


Working with Terra provides a guide to take your business from where you are to where you see your business in the future. I am simply amazed. 


My only regret is I wasted so much time and money with other coaches and did not find Terra sooner.

Malissa Dunnings

Founder + Head Coach @

Tamara White

Success Coach + Empowerment Speaker

I have lots to say about Terra Bohlmann, my Business Coach. She saved me and lifted me up when I began to think it wasn’t possible to have a coaching business that produced clients and income.  

You see, she is my 3rd Business Coach, and no one else helped me to clarify my vision and provide a road map except her. 

She has a proven system with her framework that really works.  Terra is serious about her work as a Business Coach, and she refuses to leave any of her clients behind.

Terra provides tools and easy access to get things done.  Not only that, but she is gifted in creating, developing, and helping you to execute your ideas.

I have found Terra to be thoughtful, personable, and available. She listens with intent to help you; she is a problem-solver, thought-provoker, and giver (and is extremely smart.) 

She can take your ideas and dissect them into a beautiful flower. She takes your dream and helps you to see that dreams do come true.

I have enjoyed my experience with Terra and have no doubts about referring others to her so she can draw out their masterpiece.

Ready to be the next success story?


Get More Visibility + Make More Impact By Declaring Your Coaching Niche!

  • Get clarity to position yourself as an authority in a growing coaching market to establish yourself as a leader.
  • Break away from saturated coaching markets and find your unique path to more profitability.
  • Identify untapped coaching markets where your expertise and passion will make a significant impact.
112 Profitable Coaching Niches Checklist