Coaches and Entrepreneurs Cracking the Code: What Profitable Share

by Terra  - March 24, 2015

If you’re like me – and like most women entrepreneurs, for that matter – one of the big ‘sticky-ickies’ of owning and operating your own business is that four-letter word…SELL.

Yep, I said it. The four-letter word. More women are afraid of pitching to a potential client than they are of going to the dentist. And I’m sure you know a lot of people who are terrified of dentists, so you know that’s an awful lot of women.

So how do you take the “ick” out of sales? How do you make it one of your strengths instead of one of your weaknesses? 

Okay…so…since it isn’t quite May yet, let’s take a sneak peek at the program by going over the cheat sheet.


1. Have something to SELL.

It sounds overly simple, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t have a unique, marketable product, service, or idea to present to a prospective customer or client. Be sure that you have something of value to offer before you go any further.

2. Provide great value for FREE.

Share and share alike. Give something for nothing. It will make you very popular – trust me on this. Share blog posts, ebooks, reports, news stories, or audio with someone that you would like to sign up for a complimentary consultation. Generosity looks good on you.

3. Connect one-on-one and LISTEN.

Before you talk about how your advice, product, or service is perfect for your potential client, find out what it is she really wants from you.

4. Is there a FIT?

Can you see yourself truly helping this person? If so, tell her how you’ve helped others succeed. Tell her that you WANT to work with her and that you can help her succeed as well. People need to feel wanted. If there isn’t that click, offer a referral to someone who may be a better fit, or leave her with something of value she can use that will remind her of how great you were, even if you couldn’t work together.

5. Pull the TRIGGER.

Ask the trigger question at the end of the interview that will win you the business. Something like…”Do you have any more questions for me?” This will be the open door your prospect needs to move forward. This way they can say “Yes, how much do you charge?” or “Can you tell me what it will be like working with you?” You don’t have to be blunt and pushy. You don’t have to say “So, are we going to do this or what?” In fact, it’s better if you don’t. Give your prospect the opportunity to process, but give them a strong indication of your interest and your eagerness to work with them. Remember, sometimes they’ll say “No, I can’t think of anything,” but they’ll remember that you asked. And they’ll turn around and ask you something soon.

6. Follow up with people who want prices or information – they’re hot LEADS.

And for those that don’t need immediate attention, nurture them. Stop back in every once in a while. It can sometimes take five encounters to close a sale.

So what is a good example of a great product or service to sell? One of my favorites is the VIP Day. It’s an intense, one-on-one experience that’s tailor-made for each prospect and her unique business. We’ll talk more about that in detail next time. Until then, use the cheat sheet to construct the perfect approach to sales…without the “sticky-icky”.

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