Decisions shape the destiny of businesses, and smart CEOs understand the critical importance of a quick and effective decision-making process.
Do You Have Awesome Ideas But Never Have The Time
To Follow Through With Them?
Be an " ADDA " girl.
Let me explain...
ADDA is an acronym that is a tried and tested framework that successful CEOs use every day to make decisions in their business. Let's look at the words they ask themselves to determine how to handle a task.
1. Act
Take a look at your to-do list and prioritize what tasks are most important.
Get those projects done first. If the task only takes a few minutes, get it out of the way. Don’t put it on a list and save it for later.
Tasks can add up quickly, so it’s best to complete them as they come.
This will keep you up to date without feeling overwhelmed.
2. Delete
Don’t pile your workload so full.
Ditch the tasks that are not going to create your revenue or better you in some way.
Instead of taking on too many responsibilities, spend your time on a few tasks and doing them to the best of your ability.
What you don’t do is equally as valuable as what you spend your time doing.
3. Delegate
We all have those tasks that need to get done, but we just don’t have the time.
No one said you have to do it all yourself.
Sometimes assistance is necessary.
There are several options available for you to finish those challenging duties.
Cut your workload by shifting the work to someone else.
For example, hiring an intern to help out - either virtual or in person.
4. Automate
Some tasks can be automated instead of delegated.
Although it takes time in the beginning to set up, it will end up saving you time in the long run.
Not all tasks can be automated, so it’s important to figure out which processes can.