“Your self-worth is determined by YOU. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” -Beyonce
Simply put...love yourself.
After watching a lecture done by Carol Sankar at a TED Conference, it inspired me to talk a little bit about self-worth and confidence. It's 7 minutes and totally worth the watch!
After working with men her entire career, Carol Sankar decided to open up a program exclusively for women.
15 women came for 90 days working strategically on building businesses.
Three years later, none of those 15 women had any success in their business endeavors.
She asked the woman what she did wrong.
One person said, “You forgot to add confidence to this.”
Sankar’s goal is to teach women to "wear confidence as a great accessory."
Here are Sankar's 3 tips to confidence:
1. Knowing the Power of Negotiation
If you know your worth before you leave the house, you know how to negotiate.
Learn how to say no if you do not agree. Be firm with your decisions and stand your ground.
Remember, your opinions are just as important as anyone else's.
TIP: "When you know your worth, you’ll rock with confidence."
2. A Mixture of Support & Mentorship
Women tend to value support more than mentor-ship.
Women like to feel supported because it’s safe and comfortable, while in mentorship there’s a lot more constructive criticism.
It's important to have a good balance of both support and mentorship.
TIP: Be able to accept the truth even if it hurts.
3. Your Inner Circle
Sankar explains her inner circle is a mixture of several kinds of people- one’s that like you, don’t like you, tell you the truth, tell you a lie.
Even though it might be difficult, having several different kinds of friends will keep you in check.
TIP: "Get out of your comfort zone to get into your confident zone."
In summary, I think there is a high correlation to confidence and charging what you are worth. If you struggle with what you should be charging, download my free workbook below.