Coaches and Entrepreneurs Cracking the Code: What Profitable Share

by Terra  - February 12, 2020

Work hard. Play hard. 

That’s just one of the many reasons why we chose to be an entrepreneur, right?

Truth be told, I tend to forget about the “play” side of that statement.

Until last week.

I just came back from a stunning resort in Puerto Rico, where I had the privilege to learn from publicity guru, Selena Soo, and creator of Impacting Millions.

It was ah-mazing. There’s nothing like learning from people who have their niche figured out.

We all have our gifts to share, and getting to work at the beach makes it that much better.

Yes, we worked. I even presented The Business Map Method™ to a room of 6 to 7-figure women entrepreneurs. 

(NOTE FOR MOM: See proof below that I DO work when I travel)

After our working sessions, a few of us would go to the beach to continue our conversations that went something like this:

  • “What tool do you use to track your sales?”
  • “Want to be a guest on my podcast?”
  • “Do you have an executive assistant that you’d recommend?”
  • “Did you know the minerals in the ocean water heal a headache?”

While we were all learning and sharing with each other, that’s when it hit me. 

Getting out of your office and into the wild with other like-minded women entrepreneurs is critical for your productivity, your business growth, and your sanity.

Deep down, I knew this. 

Heck, I facilitate a year-long Mastermind with three-weekend retreats for my own clients so that they can experience this.

I’ve been leading a business mastermind for three years now and give my clients all that I have so that they stress-less and grow their business more.

But, I wasn’t filling myself up. 

I tend to get too busy focusing on others to get my own vitamin sea. 

That was a huge wake-up call for me last week while I was in Puerto Rico.

You better believe that I made sure to take a few quiet minutes to create a mental video while I was sitting on the beach listening to the waves crash into the beautiful, light-brown sand. 

I’m replaying that video in my head as I type this blog post. #Bliss

So often we work hard and forget to play.

Learn from me and become better at playing.

As purpose-driven females, we work hard and deserve some fun in our lives, too.

Playing looks different for everyone.

  • For some, it’s reading a great book on the beach. 
  • For others, it’s dancing in the streets in New Orleans.
  • For me, it’s laughing with friends over margaritas.

Whatever playing looks and feels like to you, I invite you to make time for it. 

I promise it makes you more productive, happier, and your business bank account will thank you.

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Grab your copy of the "112 Profitable Coaching Niches" Checklist.


  • Get clarity to position yourself as an authority in a growing coaching market to establish yourself as a leader.
  • Break away from saturated coaching markets and find your unique path to more profitability.
  • Identify untapped coaching markets where your expertise and passion will make a significant impact.